What is a CHAKRA

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or vortex, and it refers to each of the seven energy centers of which our consciousness, our energy system, is composed~ Chakras, or energy centers, function as pumps or valves, regulating the flow of energy through our energy system~ The functioning of the chakras reflects decisions we make concerning how we choose to respond to conditions in our life~ We open and close these valves when we decide what to think, and what to feel, and through which perceptual filter we choose to experience the world around us~The chakras are not physical. They are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of consciousness. The chakras are more dense than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body. They interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, and also with a group of nerves called a plexus.
Thus, each chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that chakra~
All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, everything it is possible for you to experience, can be divided into seven categories~ Each category can be associated with a particular chakra~ Thus, the chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness~
When you feel tension in your consciousness, you feel it in the chakra associated with that part of your consciousness experiencing the stress, and in the parts of the physical body associated with that chakra~ Where you feel the stress depends upon why you feel the stress~ The tension in the chakra is detected by the nerves of the plexus associated with that chakra, and transmitted to the parts of the body controlled by that plexus~ When the tension continues over a period of time, or to a particular level of intensity, the person creates a symptom on the physical level~The symptom speaks a language that reflects the idea that we each create our reality, and the metaphoric significance of the symptom becomes apparent when the symptom is described from that point of view~ Thus, rather than saying, "I can't see," the person would describe it as keeping themselves from seeing something.
"I can't walk," means the person has been keeping themselves from walking away from a situation in which they are unhappy~ And so on~The symptom served to communicate to the person through their body what they had been doing to themselves in their consciousness~ When the person changes something about their way of being, getting the message communicated by the symptom, the symptom has no further reason for being, and it can be released, according to whatever the person allows themselves to believe is possible~We believe everything is possible~ We believe that anything can be healed~ It's just a question of how to do it~Understanding the chakras allows you to understand the relationship between your consciousness and your body, and to thus see your body as a map of your consciousness~ It gives you a better understanding of yourself and those around you~
Crown Chakra:Also known as: Cosmic Consciousness Center, "I AM" Center, Sahasrara
Location: Top of the head Parts of the body: This Chakra is associated with the top of the head, the brain, and the entire nervous system Endocrine Gland: Pineal Gland. Sense: Sense of empathy, unity, experiencing another person's experience as if you were inside them, being them.
Consciousness: The Crown Chakra represents that part of our consciousness concerned with perceptions of unity or separation~ Just as the Root Chakra showed our connection with Mother Earth, this chakra shows our relationship with Our Father in Heaven~ It represents our connection with our biological father, which becomes the model for our relationship with authority, and ultimately, with God. It's the level of the soul~ When one experiences a sense of separation from their father, they close the crown chakra, and experience a sense of isolation and aloneness, as if they are in a shell, and having difficulty with feeling contact with those around them~ Thought processes tend to justify and maintain the sense of aloneness~ The view from this chakra includes seeing one's Self as the single consciousness creating all, and paradoxically, thus connected to all, like a dreamer dreaming a dream and realizing that all that is perceived is just an extension of their own consciousness~
Element: Inner Light, which is what one experiences when they are in the deepest part of their being, as a point of consciousness glowing with intelligence. Also called White Light. Metaphysically, this is considered the most subtle element of which the entire physical universe is created.
The Third Eye Also known as: Consciousness Awareness Center, Third Eye, Ajna Location: Center of the forehead . Color~Indigo, Midnight Blue .
Parts of the body: This Chakra is associated with the forehead and temples, with the carotid plexus Endocrine Gland: Pituitary Gland . Sense: Extra Sensory Perception, all of the inner senses corresponding to the outer senses, which together are considered spirit-to-spirit communication~ These include, for example, clairvoyance (inner sense of vision), clairaudience (inner sense of hearing), clairsentience (inner sense of touch), etc.
Consciousness: This Chakra is associated with the deep inner level of Being we call the Spirit, and with what we consider spirituality and the spiritual perspective, the point of view from that deeper part of our being that western traditions consider the subconscious or unconscious. It is the place where our true motivations are found, and is the level of consciousness that directs our actions and, in fact, our lives. It is also from this point of view that one sees events in the physical world as the manifestation of co-creation among the Beings involved in those events~
Element: Inner Sound, the sound one hears inside that does not depend upon events outside~ Often considered a pathological condition by traditional medicine, it is also seen by eastern traditions as a necessary prerequisite to further spiritual growth~
Throat Chakra: Also known as: Cornucopia Center, Visuddha.
Location: Base of the throat.
Parts of the body: This chakra controls the throat and the neck, and the arms and the hands. It is associated with the brachial or cervical plexus~
Sense: Sense of Hearing Endocrine Gland: Thyroid Gland
Consciousness: The aspects of expressing and receiving.
Expressing can be in the form of communicating what one wants and what one feels, or it can be an artistic expression, as an artist painting, a dancer dancing, a musician playing music, using a form for expressing and bringing to the outside what was within~ Expressing is related to receiving, as in "Ask, and ye shall receive~ This chakra is associated with listening to one's intuition, which guides one in an optimal flow, in which one sees one's goals manifest, and it seems that the Universe provides all their needs with no effort on their part at all~ It's a state of Grace~ Abundance, therefore, is associated with this chakra, as is the aspect of unconditional receiving necessary to accept the abundance of the Universe~ This is the first level of consciousness in which one perceives directly another level of Intelligence, and experiences one's interaction with this other Intelligence~
Metaphysically, this chakra is related to creativity, creating, manifesting in the physical world the fulfillment of one's goals~
Element: Ether, as the crossover between the physical world and the world of Spirit. On the physical level, it corresponds to deep space as the most subtle physical element. From the point of view of the Spiritual, it represents the matrix on which physical reality manifests. Metaphorically, it represents a person's relationship with their space, the movie that is playing around them.
Heart Chakra~Also known as: Living Love Center, Anahata .
Location: Center of the chest .
Color: Emerald Green .
Parts of the body: This Chakra is associated with the heart and the blood circulatory system, and the cardiac plexus, as well as the lungs and the entire chest area~ Endocrine
Gland: Thymus Gland, controlling the immune system.
Sense: Sense of touch, in its aspect of relating to the person inside the body, and distinct from the sensation of the Orange Chakra, which is more about the sensation one feels from their own body~ Hugging, therefore, is a Heart Chakra activity~ When one hugs, one is aware of what the person inside the other body feels, and they are aware of what you feel inside your body, and there is a sense of relating to the person inside the body~ Sensitivity about being touched indicates heart chakra sensitivity~
Consciousness: Perceptions of love, relationships (relating) with people close to your heart, e g partner, siblings, parents, children~ Difficulty with breathing, or with the lungs, the organs of air, indicates tension in the Heart Chakra~ A person's relationship with air reflects their relationship with love~ AIDS is a problem with the person's perceptions of love, since it is the immune system which is affected.
The person's lifestyle separates them from those they love~
Element: Air
Solar Plexus Chakra:Also known as: Power Center, Manipura
Location: Solar plexus
Color: Yellow
Parts of the Body: The parts of the body associated with this chakra include the muscular system, the skin as a system, the solar plexus, the large intestine, stomach, liver, and other organs and glands in the region of the solar plexus~ Also the eyes, as the organs of sight, and the face, representing figuratively the face one shows the world~
Endocrine Gland: The pancreas
Sense: Eyesight
Consciousness: Parts of the consciousness associated with this chakra include perceptions concerned with power, control, freedom, the ease with which one is able to be themselves - ease of being~ Mental activity and the mental body is also associated with this chakra~ The solar plexus chakra is also associated with the level of being we call the personality, or ego~ The relationship a person has with fire, or the sun, can be seen to have its parallels in the person’s relationship with the parts of their consciousness that this chakra represents~ Someone sensitive about the sun, then, can be seen to have particular sensitivities about power, or control, or freedom~
Element: Fire, the sun.
Spleen or Sacral Chakra~Also known as: Sensation Center, Spleen Chakra, Hara, Svadhisthana
Location: The center of the abdomen
Color: Orange
Parts of the body: Reproductive system, sexual organs, lumbar plexus
Endocrine gland: Gonads
Sense: Sense of taste, appetite
Consciousness: This chakra is associated with the parts of the consciousness concerned with food and sex~ It is about the body's communication to the Being inside, about what the body wants and needs, and what it finds pleasurable~ The person's ability to have children is also associated with this chakra~ If there is not a clear relationship with the element of water, associated with this chakra, the person's relationship with water is a reflection of their relationship with the parts of their consciousness associated with this chakra, i e food, sex, or having children~ This chakra is also associated with the emotional body, and the person's willingness to share emotionally~
Root Chakra:Also known as: Security Center, Muladhara
Location: The perineum, the point between the anus and the sex organs
Color : Red
Parts of the body: Lymph system, skeleton system (teeth and bones), the prostate gland in men, the sacral plexus, the bladder and elimination system, and the lower extremities (legs - feet, ankles , etc~)~ Also the nose, since it is the organ of the sense of smell, and associated with survival~
Endocrine gland: Adrenal glands
Sense: Smell
Consciousness: Security, survival, trust, the relationship with money, home, job~ Ability to be grounded, to be present in the here and now~ Ability to allow one's self to be nourished, in the sense of allowing one's Inner Being to be satisfied~ This chakra also reflects a person's connection with their mother, and with Mother Earth~ How the person feels about being on the earth~ Connection with the physical body~
Symptoms or tensions in the parts of the body controlled by this chakra indicate tensions in the parts of the person's consciousness related to this chakra~ Tension here is experienced as insecurity as a general perceptual filter~ More tension is experienced as fear~ More than that is experienced as terror, or a threat to survival~
Element: Earth

Root Chakra
The first chakra is the seat of the physical body. It focuses your Earthly life, connecting you very specifically to the Earth. It deals with issues such as grounding and survival. In the early Lemurian period it was the base chakra that was most open. The first chakra deals with consideration about being here on Earth.
The gland associated with this chakra is the gonads.
Polarity Chakra
It has to do with creativity, masculine and feminine balance, and our sexual energies. The back side of the second chakra relates to the seat of the subconscious. This chakra was focused on in the latter Lemurian development.
The gland associated with this chakra is ludig, or lyden gland which relates to the lymphatic system.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra is the seat of the emotional body. The Atlantis period of earth's history focused on the development of this chakra.Yellow
The gland associated with this chakra is the adrenal gland.
Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra deals with unconditional love. This has been the focus in the Christian era.Green
The gland that is associated with it is the thymus gland.
Throat Chakra
The throat chakra deals with communication, expression, and the use of will. This chakra is the one that is being developed in the Aquarian Age.
The gland associated with this gland is the thyroid gland.
Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra has to do with inner seeingness or spiritual sight and vision. The third eye chakra also relates to the conscious mind.
The gland associated with this chakra is the pituitary gland.
Crown Chakra
The crown chakra has to do with the superconscious mind, the soul, the Higher Self, the Monad and/or God. It is truly our gate to bring through the higher energies.
The gland associated with this chakra is the pineal.
Eighth Chakra
The first chakra of the fourth dimension, and is the seat of the soul. In the third dimensional chakras the earth designated number zero represents physical existence. It is solid and concrete. The seat of the soul now becomes the seat of our existence, just as the earth was the baseline for our existence in the third dimension.
Seafoam Green
Ninth Chakra
The ninth chakra corresponds to the base chakra in the third-dimensional chakra grid. The ninth chakra corresponds to the body of light. It has to do with joy. When this chakra is activated the body of light is now in your cellular and sub-cellular structure
Tenth Chakra
The tenth chakra is associated with the polarity chakra in the third dimension. It has to do with the integration of polarities—the proper integration of male and female within self. This chakra actually starts functioning when the male and female energies are in total balance. This is experienced as a state of effortlessness, and alignment with one's soul.
Eleventh Chakra
This is the chakra of the New Age energies. It corresponds with the solar plexus chakra in the third dimensional chakras, connecting the third chakra to the eleventh chakra allows us to diminish the present and past life trauma stored in the third chakra. The eleventh chakra energy feeling will be like a wave, and it will move through your body and out again without staying in the body or without attaching itself to an area of misperception.
Pink Orange
Twelfth Chakra
The twelfth chakra is the Christ consciousness, which is a transformational energy that connects all energy forms. It is associated with the heart chakra in the third-dimensional chakra grid.
Shimmering Gold
Thirteenth Chakra
This Thirteenth chakra has to do with the manifesting of vibratory communication. This is the chakra that is used in materializing and dematerializing things. It is also the chakra used in teleportation. This chakra is also used for healing.
Violet Pink
Fourteenth Chakra
The fourteenth chakra has to do with the Divine Plan. It allows the mental mind to surrender. The fourteenth chakra is saying that you are allowing the Divine Plan to show you the way without reviewing or evaluating from your mental thought beliefs. This chakra corresponds to the third eye in the third-dimensional chakra system. It is bringing clairvoyance into the fourth dimension. It is beginning to activate your unlimitedness.
Deep Blue Violet
Fifteenth Chakra
The fifteenth chakra has to do with your Monadic connection. It corresponds to the crown chakra in the third-dimensional chakras. The seventh chakra is your spiritual connection. With the fifteenth chakra your new spiritual connection is to the Monadic level. At the fifth initiation we become merged with the Monad. This brings us to the doorway of ascension. When this chakra is operating it is saying that the structure of your soul is stable enough to handle the energy and the scope of the information coming from the monadic level.
Light Golden White
Sixteenth Chakra
The sixteenth chakra has to do with ascension. Again it is the sixteenth chakra that descends into the crown chakra at the time of ascension. This chakra is the first chakra of the fifth dimensional chakra grid system. The chakra of ascension into the Monad and I Am Presence and becoming a universal being becomes one’s new base line, just as the eighth chakra, the seat of the soul, was the base line in the fourth dimensional chakras.
Light Violet White
Seventeenth Chakra
The seventeenth chakra has to do with universal light, which corresponds to the ninth chakra, or the body of light in the fourth-dimensional chakra grid. We are going from the third dimension, which is solid, to the fourth dimension, which is solid and light, to the fifth dimension, which is total light.
Eighteenth Chakra
The eighteenth chakra has to do with sixth-dimensional divine intent. This chakra when activated will bring in the ability to bring in the sixth dimension of reality In looking at your charts of the chakras you will see that there is a gap between the eighteenth and nineteenth chakras that says; “No correspondence.” The reason for this is that at the fifth dimensional level there is no correspondence to the solar plexus because it has united with the heart chakra.
Pink Gold
Nineteenth Chakra
The nineteenth chakra has to do with universal energy. The heart energy was the focus in the third dimension. The Christ consciousness is the expanding energy in the fourth dimension. In the fifth dimension the correspondence is the universal energy. This universal energy is being felt by those that are allowing the new source energy to come through this source, through their Monadic level, through their soul level to their physical body.
Twentieth Chakra
The twentieth chakra has to do with Beingness. In the third dimension you needed to communicate. In the fourth dimension you were able to communicate in a more expanded way through communication by vibration through light. In the fifth dimension there is no need for an exchange, it's a being-ness where exchange is not necessary for communication
Violet Gold
Twenty First Chakra
The twenty-first chakra has to do with divine structure. It is creating from a point of evolution, which is really from a point of resolution. As you develop your consciousness, this chakra will allow you to see the Divine Plan. You are now beyond the structure of the fifth into the learning that took place during the Divine structure.
Blue Gold
The Twenty Second Chakra
The twenty-second chakra has to do with Source or Godhead connection. It is platinum in color.
Besides using light and color to work with and open your chakras, it is also possible to use sound. Djwhal Khul has channeled the sounds that correspond to the seven three dimensional chakras. In parenthesis in the second column of the following diagram are words that will help you to enunciate the sounds properly.
Chakras Tones from Djwhal Khul Hindu Tones
Root chakra O (oh)
Second chakra
SHU (shuck)
Solar Plexus chakra
YA (yawn)
Heart chakra
WA (way)
Throat chakra
HE (he)
Third eye chakra
HU (hue)
Crown chakra
I (eye)
Copyright © 2004 Dr Joshua David Stone & Gloria Excelsias. All Rights Reserved.
enjoy the meditation below, a gift...from my heart to yours.
Let the creative part of you create your experience~
Working in the spirit realms is playful and joyous~ Your imagination is real and very powerful~Peace begins within each one of us~

So first I invite you to go within and find that place of peace with in the center of your being~
Let us begin by relaxing the outer self~ Imagine yourself surrounded by a beautiful translucent light~ Allow this light to wrap around your body~ Imagine that as these beautiful particles of light touch your skin your muscles being to relax~ See this light bathing the tissues and organs of your body, bringing peace, relaxation, and healing everywhere it goes~Allow this light to flood your emotions and your mind~ Imagine that your thoughts are still and clear like a mountain lake at sunrise~ Imagine that your emotions are like a gentle spring breeze filled with wisps of love and joy~ Follow this light as it leads you deep within your inner being which is naturally filled with peace~ You might imagine that this place of inner peace resembles your favorite peaceful place in the outer world~
Picture yourself on the most beautiful beach or mountain lake you have ever seen~
You choose the image that most reflects this place of peace within you~
It might be a scared shrine or a scene in nature~
If you don't know what image to choose imagine that you do and let your imagination take you there~
Allow yourself to sense all the sights, sounds, and sensations of this image~
Experience the exquisite beauty of this special place~
You might feel the sunlight on your skin and notice the fragrances around you~
Allow the quiet sounds to take you deeper into that sense of peace within you~
Peace is always ours~
It is based on the Divine presence that dwells within us~
As we create more peace within our lives we contribute to world peace~
I will give you a moment to sit quietly in this profound peace~
Imagine that this peace is enveloping you like a warm blanket~
Let yourself become the spirit of peace~
Notice that the spiritual essence of peace is laced with love, acceptance, and forgiveness.
To create more peace in your outer life you must release love, acceptance, and forgiveness into your everyday situations and relationships~
Take a moment now and imagine that you are pouring the power of love, acceptance, and forgiveness into your life~
As you do, the places in your life that are less than harmonious will come into your mind~
Direct love, acceptance, and forgiveness to these situations and relationships.
Allow yourself to forgive anyone, past or present that has hurt you or even just offended you~
Imagine this essence of forgiveness cleansing all those places where you hold resentment, hurts, or fears~
Visualize your heart center opening and the power of love and acceptance is flowing into every situation and relationship in your life~ Experience the sense of lightness and freedom that only forgiveness and love can bring.
Now that we have created more peace in our life, we are ready to join our Inner Peace with the Inner Peace of all the people around the world who are praying~
Imagine that the Inner Peace within you is flowing out of you like a stream of light~
See it joining the light flowing out of peace prayers all around the world~
Imagine that this light is flooding the entire planet with the essence of Divine Peace~
In your imagination see this Divine Peace transforming every one it touches~
Imagine people putting down their weapons, and seeing their so-called enemies for the first time as their brothers and sisters~
Imagine this light quenching the fires of rage within each and every heart~
Imagine the power of forgiveness opening the hearts of people all around the world and releasing all the old feelings of hurt, anger, and revenge~
See this old energy floating up and out of our atmosphere completely transmuted~
Imagine the power of love inspiring people to create new ways for us to live together in harmony and prosperity~
Imagine the force of love empowering leaders all over the world to create lasting peace agreements that ensures safety, respect, freedom, and prosperity to people everywhere~
Imagine that Divine peace, love, and light are the prevailing forces upon the earth forever and ever~
Now call forth a sense of joy and expectancy from within you~
Imagine that you are joining in a worldwide celebration of peace~
See everyone dancing, singing, and shouting with joy for through our prayers we have created peace on earth~
Combine this image with your sense of joy and let it go~
As you come out of this prayer meditation carry this feeling of peace with you throughout the day~
Remember to use the force of love and forgiveness many times today~
*These methods of healing are not created to take the place of a qualified health professional. If you need medical advice I am required to tell you to consult your medical doctor.*
All Love